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Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program

​​          The Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program (MFTIP) was introduced by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources to increase forestry awareness on private lands and provide a tax break to help offset any costs associated with having a MFTIP written by an approved consultant. Under MFTIP, landowners must have a minimum of 10 acres of forest on their property. Once the forest plan is written and approved, the Managed Forest Area is reassessed and taxed at 25% of the normal rate. This is a 10 year plan that helps educate the landowner about their properties attributes, potential and develop sustainable activities surrounding the landowners objectives.

For more information call us or visit Ministry of Natural Resources (MFTIP)


Parcel map landowners receive upon completion of MFTIP

Afforestation Tree Planting - 50 Million Tree Program

          Regen Natural Resources Ltd. is partnered with Forest Ontario to act as a Local Program Delivery Agency (LPDA) to deliver the 50 Million Tree Program in the Algoma Region. Landowners desiring a minimum of 500 trees (0.6 acre) are eligible for funding of up to 90% for afforestation efforts. These afforestation efforts include; desire for shade/privacy/buffer/windbreak, to restore native forest cover, for local environmental protection (soils/air/water), wildlife habitat enhancement, to help mitigate climate change, reduce the carbon foot print and leave a legacy to descendants. On average, landowners contribute $0.15 per tree for conifer seedlings to be planted depending on the site and stock planted. Please call us for a free site visit to discuss your properties potential. For more information call us or visit 50 Million Tree Program | Forests Ontario

Tree Planting

Red Pine plantation from its first year to 15 years of growth

Wildlife Assessments and Food Plots

          New to our services, we now assist landowners with increasing specific wildlife habitat. Whether it is for recreational purposes (i.e. hunting) or species of concern. We as well control invasive species. Please call to speak with our Environmental Technologist.

Yellow Spotted Salamander

Yellow-spotted salamander laying on Red Pine needles

Land Leasing

          Small parcels, large parcels…. We are developing a network for Non-Timber Value Added Products (NTVAP) options for landowners. These include annual or long-term leases for:


Northern Ontario moose spotted in a young poplar stand

Timber Assessments and Tree Marking

          Considering a harvest? Are you interested in finding out what the timber value on your property is? We can give you rough estimates or a detailed report outlining the present value with current stumpage (landowner) rates. When it comes to harvesting, we have fully Certified Tree Markers available to ensure the RIGHT trees are marked for harvest. Removal of diseased trees increases the chances of a healthier long-term forest both environmentally and financially speaking. Please call for more information.

Yellow Birch

Chaga growth on a Yellow Birch tree

Harvest Contracting and Auditing

          Thinking about harvesting? Tendering your woodlot with a third-party forestry consultant is a good idea if you are unaware of forest product values and proper tree marking techniques. It can ensure you get a fair rate, job well done and a healthier forest after. At REGEN Natural Resources Ltd., the process can include these various stages:


• Consulting with the landowner on their interests and objectives of the property

• Implementing a detailed inventory of the present forest stand, diversity, areas of concern, wildlife habitat, etc

• Marking the approximate boundary of the property and leaving a buffer zone to prevent disputes.

• Marking the trees to be harvested and the trail access if required.

• Meeting loggers on the property to discuss concerns and explain contract.

• Provide a Tender Agreement between the logger and the Landowner.

• Perform a post-logging audit to ensure the logger has caused minimal environmental impact on the forest.

Sustainable Harvesting

Red Oak shelterwood stand after cut

REGEN Natural Resources Ltd.

1327 Third Line West,
Sault Ste. Marie ON, P6A 5K8

Phone 705-542-4431

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