1327 Third Line West, Sault Ste. Marie ON, P6A 5K8

Northeast Seed Management Association (“NeSMA”)
Mission: To deliver a responsive forest genetics program for our partners that emphasizes the timely production of improved seed that is adapted for a changing climate.
The Northeast Seed Management Association (“NeSMA”) is the entity currently responsible for tree improvement activities on Crown land in Northeastern Ontario. The Association is comprised of a number of representatives from SFLs from across Northeastern Ontario.
Forest genetics work began in Northeastern Ontario with intensive tree improvement programs for black spruce and jack pine. The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources initiated the work with the selection of superior trees from natural stands in the early 1980s. Three forest companies were involved in a coordinated effort by the mid-1980s. In late 1990 a process was initiated to incorporate all of the tree improvement activities in the province under one cooperative organization called the Ontario Tree Improvement Board. In the mid-1990s the membership of the cooperative grew and the name was changed to Northeast Seed Management Association; it was incorporated as a not-for-profit company in 1999.
NESMA is responsible for the Tree Improvement program throughout northeastern Ontario and provides seeds to a number of Sustainable Forest managers. NeSMA manages twenty two jack pine, black spruce and white pine tree improvement programs to provide genetically improved seed. The seed is produced using a natural selection and breeding system which does not result in genetically modified organisms. Improved seed is important to the members for the following reasons: (1) to mitigate wood supply shortages (2) as a sustainable supply of high quality seed (3) to offset areas lost from timber production (4) as an insurance policy against unknown factors which may adversely affect the forest industry.
The members of NESMA currently represent the majority of Sustainable Forest Licenses (SFLs) in Northeastern Ontario, the member forests are:
Abitibi River Forest
Algoma Forest
Gordon Cosens Forest
Hearst Forest
Missinaibi Forest
Nagagami Forest
Northshore Forest
Pineland Forest
Romeo Malette Forest
Spanish Forest
Timiskaming Forest
White River Forest